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How to Begin for playing Acoustic Guitar

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Fender SA-100 Upgrade Acoustic Guitar Pack, NaturalI'm sure you've been looking for beginner guitar lessons online for some time. Perhaps these pages have not answered some basic questions that a beginner when starting acoustic guitar. This article was written to these questions with tips, experiences and principles that I hope that you respond in your way.What is the best beginner acoustic guitar?
This is probably the most common question among beginners acoustic guitar. Do not buy the most expensive guitar, but not the cheapest you can find either now. A good choice to save between 100 and 300 dollars.
If possible, find an experienced guitar player to go shopping with her. Ask her to take it and play all the guitars in your price range and then buy the one that sounds and feels better. Be sure to consider all the guitars you plan to buy.

Look at the guitar neck to see if it is distorted. Control the action of the guitar. The action refers to the action string of the round. If the action is too high or too low, there may be problems with reading.
Note that only a beginner and this is your first guitar. Do not invest much money in buying a guitar at this point. If you, and you will find that playing the acoustic guitar is not your thing, then you have a beautiful guitar collecting dust in a corner of the room. If you like to play and you're better, you can explore the options and buy a guitar of superior quality.

Do not be stressed when you buy your first guitar. Get a raid and start practicing.
Some good brands to consider: Epiphone, Takamine, Yamaha and Squier.
Ouch! My fingers hurt. I can not play!
This is a very common complaint at first. Each guitarist has pain in the hand and fingers, if you lived in his childhood. It 's something that can not be avoided. The remedy? Continue to play and develop the strength of the hands and fingers and develop these streets!
Based on the fingers get calluses on the strings of the guitar without any pain while flattening your fingertips to get a better grade survey.

You build calluses to practice and power. Practice, practice and more practice. Over time the pain will subside, but you have to play in this difficult time in the first step should be, so hard.
Listen to your body good. This is a sharp pain, then by all means at his hands and fingers a break.
Here is to build a great exercise to strengthen hands and fingers and calluses:

This exercise is done with the whole neck of the guitar and give you the opportunity to play chords and solos. Build muscles in your hands, improve your stamina to play and develop what is called "muscle memory".
The purpose of this exercise is, each note going up and down the neck to play the guitar.

Start with the index finger on string 6 before the Federal Government, that the fingers follow the keyboard, we provide a residence time, 6 string until your finger reaches the fourth fret.
Listen to the first fret with your index finger
Play the 2nd alliance with the middle finger
Play the third alliance with the ring
Play the fourth covenant with the little finger

Note: After playing the first speaker to raise the index finger. Continue to play each finger on the string while. This is important because it helps in the process of strengthening.
Repeat this process on 5 String, then 4 and so on.

When you reach the bottom rope, take the whole hand on a box without lifting your fingers.
So at this point your little finger should be 1 Federal fifth string, ring on the fourth fret, your middle finger on the 3rd Federal Government and the index finger on the second Covenant.
Running in the opposite direction, starting with the pinky on the guitar, 6 string, but this time you must lift your finger as you play.

Then repeat the process until the last box of the guitar.
Do not rush this exercise or develop poor reading habits. Go slowly good that it produces a beautiful sound with every note played.
More tips for guitar beginners
Be sure to stretch your fingers and hands during the year.
Learn to read music really and not just tablature.
Hire a guitar teacher if you can afford. A teacher in a position to all the mistakes and correct them to take place. This will help you play better habits. If you can pay a guitar teacher, and then invest in a good home studio.

Learn to play chords, scales and techniques, not just your favorite songs. I know you just want to jump right in and learn "Stairway to Heaven", but if you do not have time to learn the theory behind these great songs, you will not improve as a guitarist.

Do not hold your guitar. Leave open. So it's convenient for you to choose your guitar and play at any time.
daily for at least 20 minutes, if possible, practice more. If errors are tired, or too much, then take a break and do something different. 20 minutes of practice of quality is more than an hour of sloppy practice.
Listen to other guitarists and not only in your favorite music genre. You will be surprised how many other styles of music can affect your reading.

Playing with other musicians as often as possible. It 's a great way to learn and try new techniques and tips.
Learn the proper way to string and tune the guitar.
Learn to take the proper way to care for your instrument and maintain.

I hope this article helped you. The best advice I can give is to never give up. Next game every day and try not to be discouraged. good guitar is not just art, also comes from your heart. If you really like to play the guitar, and have pledged to get better, then it is a matter of time. Have fun and God bless you!